1501 S. McLean Blvd. Wichita, Kansas 67213 +1 (316)265-5268 sales@harlowair.com


Harlow Management

Harlow Aerostructures LLC is a leading supplier of complex machined components, electro-mechanical and structural subassemblies to the commercial, business and military aerospace industry as well as being certified as an FAA Repair Station by the U.S. Department of Transportation. We are committed to maintaining a technological edge with new machine acquisitions and upgrades as well as new management information systems as an integral part of our annual capital improvement planning.

It is our commitment to new technologies that is the driving force behind the development of new processes such as automated “lights-out” machining in a 24/7 environment.

Standard Operating Functions

Multiple level BOM (up to 99 levels)
Real-Time Planning & Execution
Shop Floor Scheduling
Purchasing Material & Resource Planning
Vendor Process Orders
Shop Orders – Routings
Shipping / Receiving
Inventory Management
Multiple Operating & Financial Performance Metrics

MRP Key Features

Totally Integrated MRP II System; (Profit Key) 
“Windows” Based Client/Server

Our Team Members

The great team behind Harlow Aerostructures LLC

Jim Barnes
Jim BarnesVice Chairman of Harlow Aero Group
Bobby King
Bobby KingDirector of Quality Assurance
Matt Augustine
Matt AugustineGeneral Manager
Robert Short
Robert ShortDirector of Business Development
David Hunter
David HunterVice President of Operations
Dale Sparks
Dale SparksEngineering Manager

Harlow Aerostructures LLC, located in Wichita, Kansas, has been supplying to the aerospace industry since 1954. We produce components from large bulkheads, spars, chords, stringers, to small bushings, bolts, pins and bearings.

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